Table to Label - Pen to Peg are preparing to launch an on-line course
Have you ever wondered if you could sell your skills in an on-line course?
With over 25 years in the fashion and clothing industry Pen to Peg founder, Paula Cannon is in demand!
“I get approached a lot for my design consultancy services and really wanted to find a way that I can help more people faster. I decided to upskill in two areas, my social media skills with the marvellous TechPixies and course creation with Josh and Jill Stanton, Screw the Nine to Five.
The past two weeks I have been really busy on the Course Creators Accelerator Program. I have met some amazing and talented people all around the globe who are doing the same thing. Many of the people on the course are career coaches, mind coaches, empowering coaches and these people are unlocking people’s potential to maximise their performance in many different walks of life.
Not all of the people on the course are mindset coaches lots of people have realised the potential to teach what they know and have accumulated over years and others are turning their hobby into way to make a living.
I met one UK couple running The Awesome Ukulele Academy and another lady who is making a living running an online Candle Making Academy. The possibilities for teaching and learning are endless.
What the past few weeks have taught me are we all have amazing skills that are worth sharing and can transform lives for the better. Never underestimate the effect and change for the better that you can give another person.”
Watch this space for more details of this on-line course.
If your need is more urgent and you want 1:1 coaching just drop us an email for a chat.